
Learn to Write Like You Mean It

I screwed up

Published 16 days ago • 1 min read

Hey Reader,

I think I’ve fcked up over the past few months.

In talking about what I do, and who I do it for and with, and why.

After a throwaway comment on a networking call, my kneejerk reaction was to get really cross…

The comment was along the lines of not being able to compete with a new AI book-writing tool/course/thing.

It got my back up and I immediately went on the defensive — defending what I do, why it’s better than AI tools, why AI isn’t proper writing, blahblahblah.

Then I took a breath, and wrote out my frustration… and, as always happens when I write, I found a little clarity.

I’m not in competition with AI writing tools.

That’s not what I do.

Yes, I help people to write books, and essays, and blogs, and even social media posts from time to time.

But that’s not the core of what I do.

I help you to use your brain to make things.

THAT’S my zone of genius.

Sometimes AI is a tool we use, but — like I said yesterday — the robots are here to do our dishes and make space for us to create something.

The work is the point, not the outcome.

It’s not about the writing, it’s about the creativity and the thinking. The little slice of you that we tease out and display using well-chosen words and phrases and media.

The writing is just how we put it out there.

It’s tempting to reach for a tool to shortcut it all just to bang something out in a desperate attempt to feed the algorithm, but what if…

What if

we stepped back, took a breath, ignored the algorithm, and made something we want to make?

I can help. We can do this together over the next 30 days. Find out more here.​



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Learn to Write Like You Mean It

A daily newsletter by Vicky Quinn Fraser

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